Terms of Use for Weed Supermarket

Welcome to Weed Supermarket! These Terms of Use govern your access to and use of our website and its services. By accessing or using the website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with any part of these terms, please do not use our website.


You must be at least 21 years old to use our website or the age of majority in your jurisdiction, whichever is higher. By using Weed Supermarket, you represent and warrant that you meet this age requirement and that you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts.

Use of the Site

Weed Supermarket provides a platform to browse, learn about, and purchase cannabis and related products. The following rules apply to the use of our site:

  • You may not use our site for any unlawful purpose.
  • You may not access or use the site to collect any market research for a competing business.
  • You are prohibited from attempting to interfere with the proper working of the site.
  • You agree not to bypass any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the site.

Intellectual Property

The content on Weed Supermarket, including text, graphics, images, and information obtained from our licensors, is protected by copyright and intellectual property rights. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, download, republish, copy, or use the said Content, whether in whole or in part, for commercial purposes or for personal gain, without express advance written permission from us.

User Contributions

Users may post reviews, comments, and other content, so long as the content is not illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, infringing on intellectual property rights, or otherwise injurious to third parties or objectionable. Content must not consist of or contain software viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation